Thursday, April 19, 2018

Turning Kids Into Grown-ups

First and foremost, I take no credit for the title of this blog post.  I have an hour commute to work each way each day.  On my ride home from evening meetings I often listen to NPR, and one of my favorite radio programs is the Ted Radio Hour.  In the attached podcast, the host, Guy Raz, explores the topic of parenting through Ted Talks. 

Now, I am not trying to influence how any reader of this post chooses to raise their children.  I have four and know first hand the challenges of parenting.  That being said, as I listened to this podcast, I reflected on how we educate students, how we set expectations for students, and how we support students in achieving their goals.  The podcast is 48 minutes long, so if you intend on listening, please set some time aside.  Also, for a more direct educational connection to this theme, I suggest reading How Children Succeed by Paul Tough. 

Turning Kids Into Grown-ups

1 comment:

  1. Coincidentally, before reading this, I listened to this same podcast last weekend and sent it to all my friends! Worth every parent and educator's time. I even made my teenagers listen to the "chore" message.
