Friday, May 27, 2022

Summer Institute 2022

The School District of Waukesha strives to provide all professional staff with meaningful, engaging, and purposeful professional development opportunities that align to our district goals and priorities. To kick off the 2022-23 school year all professional staff will engage in professional learning at the SDW Summer Institute scheduled for August 24th and 25th. The design of the Summer Institute has shifted to allow time to focus on content area/role-specific professional learning, curriculum development, and intentional instructional planning across our system. There will be limited choice sessions at this year’s Summer Institute as our priority is to onboard new curriculum and resources across our system in grades K-12.

The Summer Institute 2022 will be hosted at three school sites which is a change from years past. The host sites are Waukesha North High School, Waukesha West High School and Butler Middle School. The Summer Institute 2022 website is now live and Sched is now available for registration. Please register for your sessions no later than Friday, June 10th. Specific locations and room assignments will be added to Sched closer to the event. If you have any questions or issues with registration please contact

As we close out the 2021-22 school year and look forward to the summer months ahead. I wanted to thank you all for your continued dedication and for showing up for kids everyday. Working in the field of education is challenging and ever changing. However, despite it all, being an educator is the most rewarding profession out there. So be sure to take some time to reflect on this past school year and celebrate all of the great things you accomplished and take that with you into next year. I wish you all a well-deserved summer break full of fun adventures and relaxation. I’m looking forward to kicking off the 2022-23 school year in August with two days of impactful learning, purposeful planning and preparation and most importantly engaging with all of you. Again, have a great summer and we’ll see you back in August!

Tiara Rogers 

Director of Extended Learning and Educator Development

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Congratulations Whittier - DreamBox Mathematicians of the Month!

 Each month all buildings who have classrooms averaging at least 5 lessons each week are entered into the random drawing to be recognized. The DreamBox Mathematicians of the month are from Whittier. Congratulations for all of the hard work in math and in DreamBox! 

Summer Learning Opportunities in Literacy and Math

While summer is a time to rest and relax, it is also a time to engage in some new learning. This summer, different opportunities are available for teachers to learn and grow in literacy and math. See the information below to find out what is being offered and click on the Google Form for the class you are interested in attending.

Writer’s Workshop Summer Training 
  • Delivered by: SDW Literacy Coaches

Targeted Audience:
  • Elementary Classroom Teachers who teach writing 
  • Special Education Teachers who teach/support writing
Dates Offered:

  • July 20, 9:00-12:00
  • August 10, 9:00-12:00
  • August 10, 1:00-4:00

AVMR Training

  • Delivered by: Rose Palmer, Rachel Kozicke - District Math Coach & Trainers

Targeted Audience:

  • Classroom Teachers who teach math 

  • Special Education Teachers 

who teach/support math

  • Math Interventionists

Dates Offered:
  • AVMR 1 - August 2nd - 5th 
  • AVMR 2 - August 8th - 11th
  • 8:00 am - 3:30 pm each day

Leveled Literacy Intervention: 

LLI Primary (K-2) Orange, Green, Blue & LLI Intermediate (3-5) Red, Gold, Purple

  • Delivered by: Wendy Hamilton, District Literacy Intervention Coach & Trainer

Targeted Audience:
  • Elementary Classroom Teachers who implement a literacy intervention

  • Special Education Teachers who teach literacy

  • EL Teachers, Interventionists, or Specialists who implement a literacy intervention

  • Literacy Coaches who support teachers implementing interventions

Dates Offered:

  • LLI Primary (O, Gr, B)
    • July 26th, 8:15-12:00 or
    • July 2
      6th, 12:15-4:00

  • LLI Intermediate (R, Go, P)
    • August 1, 8:15-12:00 or
    • August 1, 12:15-4:00

Partnerships in Comprehensive Literacy Framework - Features 7 and 8 (Comprehensive Assessment System & System of Interventions)

We are excited to continue sharing a quick overview of the 10 features of the Partnerships in Comprehensive Literacy model and how the features are utilized across our district. Features #7 and #8 are highlighted in this week's post.

Friday, May 13, 2022

Wisconsin Educator Development Support and Retention Survey - Time Sensitive

Wisconsin Educator Development Support and Retention Survey - Time Sensitive

Professional Educators,

Back in March you all received an email from UWM requesting your participation in the Wisconsin Educator Development Support and Retention Survey. Reminder emails have also been periodically sent. To date SDW only has 133 educators that have completed the survey, which is only 14%. In order for our district to receive the results of the survey we need at least 35% participation. So, please see the information below and complete the survey no later than June 1st. This information helps both DPI and our district make improvements to the EE process based on your invaluable feedback. Thanks in advance for your time and participation!

Dear Wisconsin Educator,
It is the time of year for you to reflect on your experiences as a Wisconsin educator. By participating in the annual Wisconsin Educator Development Support and Retention Survey, you provide your school and district with crucial feedback about how to make your school and district work better for its educators and students. Also, this year, you are asked to provide feedback about a specific aspect of the Educator Effectiveness Process that will be changing next year. We need to hear from the folks in EE about how to make it work better for our educators and students.

Take the Survey

You make access the survey through our website, view sample reports, view the survey questions, and see past results at

  • The survey asks questions that are relevant to all educators, including teachers, administrators, paraprofessionals, and specialists.
  • You can skip any questions you do not think you can answer or do not feel comfortable answering.
  • DPI does not see your responses.
  • No one in your school and district see your responses.
  • The survey takes 10-15 minutes to complete and does not need to be completed all at once.

If you have any questions, please contact the evaluation team at, or DPI at, or your CESA.

I certainly understand how busy you are. I sincerely hope you find the time to add your voice to this important process.

Warm regards,


Tiara Rogers

Professional Learning Opportunity with Carroll University - Information below

Professional Learning Opportunity with Carroll University - Information below 

Dear Staff,


I hope you are well!  If you are looking to sharpen professional skills or advance your educational career, fortunately your District has a partnership with Carroll University which will get you a 15% tuition discount for the graduate programs listed below. Carroll offers superior and flexible post-graduate program options for the working professional, including master degrees, certificates, credentials, and licensure. 


Please apply by June 1 to reserve your seat!

Educational Leadership Programs prepare exemplary educators to be effective administrators in PK-12 schools and districts.

  • Cohort-based, hybrid model with engaging, in-person classes one weekend per month – designed for the busy, working professional
  • Offers PrincipalDirector of Instruction, and Director of Special Education & Pupil Services licenses
  • Authentic practicum experiences and networking with area leaders

Advanced Teaching and Learning Programs offer in-service educators flexible certificate, licensure, or credential options that can be applied to a M.Ed. degree

Wednesday Information Sessions / Q&A


May 11


Link to session

May 18


Link to session

May 25


Link to session

June 1


Link to session

June 22


Link to session

Whether you're planning to commit to a full master's program, or simply want to deepen your expertise, Carroll University has course offerings for you! Learn more at or contact Carroll University Graduate Admissions at  Please submit applications by June 1. (The hard deadline is August 10, but there may not be seats left).

Tiara Rogers

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

EMLSS team celebrates with ice cream sundaes

We have so much to CELEBRATE from the work of our EMLSS (Equitable Multi-Level Systems of Support) team over the past two years!

This collaborative team has as our core vision: 

Data-based processes will ensure equitable access to universal instruction and additional levels of support to positively impact learner outcomes in academics and social-emotional development.

Delivering high quality instruction starts with identifying the academic standards and behavioral expectations that lead to our mission to have students be community, college and career ready.

SAIL teams are currently digging into root causes around student learning data and are continuing to create 100 day action plans to evaluate results and continually improve.

Thank you to each of the EMLSS team members for all your student-centered work over the past 2 years!

Rose Palmer, Rachel Kozicke, Sarah Brilliant, Kelli Weiss-Golatke, Andrea Taylor, Natalie Ramirez, Carly Solberg, Lisa Lawrence, Wendy Hamilton, Jeffrey Taege, Garrett Sheskey, Christina Ali, Trish Goodspeed, Maria D'Amato-Kuche.

Friday, May 6, 2022

Just this week...

 Just this week, I listened to a Les Paul parent praise the efforts of their school librarian who positively influences her child's reading identity.

Just this week, I saw the light on in the office at Prairie after 8pm while teachers and students happily did May day deliveries.

Just this week, I listened to instructional coaches and teachers rave about an elementary writing curriculum that is helping build beautiful, creative and proficient writers.

Just this week, I talked to 5 junior coaches at Hawthorne who found their leadership voices through Playworks.

Just this week, I saw a secretary at Meadowbrook help 4 students and 3 parents graciously and warmly.

Just this week, I saw students at Butler confident in their learning, because the teacher set high expectations for them.

Just this week, I watched 13 elementary Principals discussing a common Theory of Action for our summer SAIL work.

Just this week, I was able to witness your IMPACT in so many ways! Not just this week, but every week, I am thankful for our staff in the School District of Waukesha. Keep shining brightly! 

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Partnerships in Comprehensive Literacy Framework - Features 4 and 6 (Technology/Research and Collaborative Learning Communities)

We are excited to continue sharing a quick overview of the 10 features of the Partnerships in Comprehensive Literacy model and how the features are utilized across our district. Features #4 and #6 are highlighted in this week's post.

PCL Framework: Feature #4

PCL Framework: Feature #6