Monday, December 28, 2020

Live Your Excellence in 2021

I just finished reading this book by Jimmy Casas on bringing your best self to school every day. Each of you have contributed value to the School District of Waukesha over the past year and for some of you, many years.

Below are a few reminders to invest in as we start 2021.

1. Invest in your students and colleagues every single day. Listen to them, believe in them, support them and trust them.

2. Influence their beliefs and behaviors. Model what you expect.

3. Inspire their work. 

4. Invite their input.

5. Initiate the work that needs to be done. It begins with you.

6. Improve the work environment. Redefine your expectations. Raise the standards.

I hope each of you can live your excellence in 2021. Happy New Year!

Monday, December 21, 2020

The DELT Update - December 2020


The District Equity Leadership Team continues to make progress by creating a solid foundation with equity at the center of our district's core values.  The 26 member team continues to have crucial conversations focusing on race, culture, inequities, policy, curriculum and removing barriers to close the achievement gaps. The team has worked extremely hard  to establish the team's purpose with a detailed mission and vision statement.

The Purpose of the Team

We are driven to provide educational equity through collaboration, fairness, justice and inclusion that is woven into our system at every level to provide rich educational opportunities to all students to help them meet their full potential and close the opportunity gaps.

Mission Statement 

The mission of the District Equity Leadership Team is to draw from the strength of our diverse team to ensure policies and curriculum are fair for all students.

Vision Statement

We value and appreciate all students by creating environments where they feel confident, safe and represented to help them see and reach their full potential. 

The next order of business for the team is to determine the priority goals.  Stay tuned for our next update coming in January.  Have a very safe and happy holiday season. 

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Demetri Beekman-Author

This week, I just wanted to give a shout out to our very own Demetri Beekman, as he is now a published author! Please see his article that was highlighted in our state Association for School Administrators bulletin.

2020 - The Year of Teaching in the Wilderness [AWSA Author Series]

by Demetri Beekman, Director of Equity and Educator Development School District of Waukesha 

The landscape of education in the United States, specifically dating back to March of 2020, has been the most challenging and unpredictable facing both a health and cultural pandemic simultaneously. COVID-19 and social justice issues continue to sweep through our nation causing more barriers for educators to eliminate the opportunity gap. There has been a frantic cry for help for years by educators to receive additional support even before our world was turned upside down with schools transitioning to virtual instruction with little or no warning at all.

Today, many students are arriving with severe trepidation and schools are not prepared to handle or have the necessary resources to ensure students get what they need to counteract the circumstances they are facing. The need for educators and school leaders across the world to receive a sense of hope, encouragement, inspiration, and faith is now. To support educators, a daily devotional was written to motivate and remind those working with children they are not alone during this process.

Teaching in the Wilderness is a book that incorporates biblical principles that can be applied by leaders in their daily practice to achieve their long-term and short-term goals. Throughout the book, there are several points, but I would like to focus on 5 areas that can instantly impact anyone who applies these key principles.

1. Lead with the Heart (SEL) – Social Emotional Learning is vital for school leaders and you must be in a good position yourself to lead others. As author Ken Blanchard eludes to in his book, Lead Like Jesus, “leadership is a spiritual matter of the heart.” All of your actions and the words you speak comes from your heart. You must guard your heart from becoming hardened, bitter, resentful, vindictive, and keep it fleshly and pure. Guard your heart so you can display acts of joy, kindness, forgiveness and love. Remember, you have to give out what you expect to return. Be the example for those you lead. Whatever is in your heart, will come out of your mouth and be seen in your actions. Is your heart made of flesh or is it covered with stone that needs to be chiseled away? Proverbs 4:23

2. Encourager (Building Capacity) - A good leader has many qualities and knows how to motivate their team. But one of the most important characteristics is to add value to others. Being available and helping others become better by pulling out their gifts and talents is a sign of true leadership. Personal growth and development should be at the forefront of your calling. Who did you add value to today? Who did you motivate to become uncomfortable to push them to their next level? 1 Peter 4:10

3. Influencer (Perception Data from Students/Teachers) - Life and death are in the power of the tongue so how you speak to others is very important. Are the words you speak positive, inspiring, building up or tearing down? Are they encouraging or belittling, supportive or disrespectful? As leaders, you are a chosen group of special servants to mold and shape future leaders by helping them recognize their gifts and talents. Words do matter, so how will you use the power of your words to motivate those around you? Ephesians 4:29

4. Empathic Leader (School Culture) - The qualities of being an empathic leader are extremely important because it plays a huge role in many areas when dealing with people, but especially with children, parents, and teachers. Empathy helps you create bonds, gives insight, guides you understanding, helps you become a better listener, and communicator. By incorporating empathy into your daily practice, you can fine tune your skills to become a more active listener, activate your discerning spirit, and assist versus trying to control and fix a certain situation. Hebrews 6:10

5. Collaboration (PLC) – There is no isolation in education as George Couros mentioned, “Education is a team sport.” Who are your teachers collaborating with during the year to stay ahead of the game? Are you scheduling common planning time for teachers to ensure complete alignment with school goals? Education should not be done in isolation so connect with colleagues and peers to lighten the load. You have the ability to connect with your peers to share best practices, systems and structures that have made a positive difference because collaboration will increase productivity of the group. Ecclesiastes 4:9

Lastly, there is only one individual who can walk with you through death’s dark valley and bring you safely to the other side; the God of life, your shepherd. God will put you in situations He knows you can handle even if it seems out of control in your eyes. The school you are leading was chosen for you by God. He is the author and finisher for those who diligently seek Him. Who are you seeking when things get rough or in times of need? Seek God because He has the answers. You are not alone.

Friday, December 11, 2020

Coaching and Training in SDW

As we continue with our EMLSS (Equitable Multi-Level Systems of Support) work in collaboration with the Wisconsin RTI center, we have 2 work teams intensely looking at our coaching and training in the district through a magnifying lens. The why behind this is to create the highest quality training and coaching to employees in our district. The training team met this week and spent time sharing aspects of various training that they themselves found successful. The team then looked for patterns or commonalities within these experiences that would be important to replicate in our Waukesha training framework. This conversation, again, led to the question of "what is training?" To build more background, the team read excerpts from various resources on training looking for a definition and key components of training, highlighting common language around what training is and should entail. The next steps for the team is to get a handle on what professional development currently looks like in SDW and where training falls within the current model, and then return to defining training in SDW, likely followed by adopting or development of a training components checklist and how it will be used.