Friday, June 9, 2023

 Elementary Updates for K-5 Teachers

Elementary Content Areas K-5th:

Writing K-5th

As the 2022-2023 school year closes, we want to celebrate the success of the implementation of writing through the use of our Benchmark Writing resource. Our elementary theory of action was about explicit instruction and analyzing student writing. We have multiple pieces of evidence that we reached full implementation in these two areas, as seen by: teachers modeling their writing, writing partnerships with guided practice, teachers using explicit language in their minilessons and high levels of conversation and calibration in PLC’s and writing professional learning. Writing growth was celebrated through displays in classrooms, hallways and writing celebrations. The anecdotal stories shared this year from teachers, parents, principals and kids on the newfound joy is one of the most exciting outcomes!  

As we move into year two of implementation we will focus on conferring and the transfer of grammar and phonics into student writing. Thank you teachers for being learners, brave writers, and being vulnerable as we calibrate around grade level expectations. You will always be the most important part of a child’s education! 

Math K-5th

At the May School Board Meeting iReady Classroom Mathematics was approved as the new math curricular resource for K-5th grade mathematics. This program will replace all of our current math materials, and we will be following it exclusively. Please watch the video below for more information:

Social Studies K-5th

The feedback teachers provided in the Social Studies survey guided the adjustments that will be made during curricular summer work days. Elementary Social Studies will reduce the number of days of instruction to be able to ensure that teachers have the time to do the quality inquiry with students that support students to meet the criteria of their inquiry project for each unit. Students will be evaluated using the targets that support the skills required to be able to complete the inquiry project (We hope that you see that direct alignment, but will create more PD to support your deepening skill). Also, additional materials have been purchased to support Social Studies Teaching including: compasses, maps, globes etc. These materials may be shared for check out, while others will arrive directly to your classroom. You will notice that AVID strategies will be embedded into your units of study to support increased student engagement in: academic discourse, reading, writing and collaborative inquiry. The feedback teachers provided in the Social Studies survey guided the adjustments. 

Elementary Assessment 4K-5th:

As previously shared in the April Assessment Update Link (click on link) elementary will be replacing MAP and PALS with FastBridge for literacy and iReady will replace MAP for math. This will be a reduction in assessment systems at the elementary level and give a better opportunity to understand how students perform across grade levels. 

For detailed information about the early reading assessments in English click

HERE, and for information about the Spanish assessments, click HERE. The Fastbridge assessment suite offers reading assessments beyond early reading readiness. Other reading assessments include aReading, CBMReading, AUTOreading, CBMcomp and COMPefficiency

At the Summer Institute you will attend professional learning for iReady & FastBridge. (Summer Institute Pathways)

Elementary Standards Based Grading 4K-5th:

Report Cards: 

Beginning in the 2023-2024 school year, 4K-5th grade will move to reporting student progress on the report card with Semester grading instead of Trimester. This will align with Secondary’s reporting practice of student grades using a Semester format. 

Report Card descriptors have been updated to focus on priority standards, while reducing the overall amount of standards on the report card. Click this LINK for a preview of the changes.

Parent Teacher Conferences will be held during the Fall and Spring. This will give opportunities for teachers and parents to connect on student progress in Fall and Spring. 

Elementary Summer Learning Opportunities:

We are excited that we were able to bring back early learning sessions for new curricular adoptions and other professional learning opportunities where teachers are able to earn a stipend for attending. Below are the list of opportunities that were offered:

iReady Mathematics: 

June 15th AM  (8:00 - 11:30) or PM (12:30 -  4:00) Implementing iReady Classroom 

Benchmark Writing: July 12 from 8:30-11:30 Writer's Workshop Implementation Year 2: Conferring and Transfer


July 17th - 20th from 8:00 - 3:30 AVMR Course 1

July 24th - 27th from 8:00 - 3:30  AVMR Course 2

AVID Path Trainings:

August 15th 8:00-4:00 pm Academic Literacy and Language

August 16th  8:00-4:00 pm Elementary Foundations