Thursday, April 12, 2018

Five Levers to Improve Learning

We have started our Priority School meetings this week with site leadership teams and in part of those planning conversations we ask Principals, what are the biggest leadership levers to increase student achievement?

We are asking teams as part of your SAIL journey, how are you prioritizing for powerful results in your school?

Thank you Ryan Galante for connecting my prompt to Frontier and Rickabaugh's work around the five levers: structure, sample, standards, strategy and self.  Each lever holds varying degrees of potential for improving student learning. This is a good book to read or go back to if you haven't visited it for a while as much of this theory is grounded in the work of our SAIL framework.

In each iteration of SAIL, as we get deeper in our learning and root cause analysis of data, we can multiply our collective capacity to improve student learning by maximizing our effectiveness with our focus on the right work. When intent, effort, and results are aligned across a school, the desired outcome reaches a level that would otherwise not have been possible. If we prioritize our focus areas to make changes that matter to students, student achievement will continue to soar in the School District of Waukesha.

For your focus and collaborative commitment, I am celebrating our progress!

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