Tuesday, January 28, 2020


Wow, have the acronyms changed over the past 10 years, but at the core of this work is a commitment to a strong, equitable universal system with a continuum of supports for ALL learners. I am happy that we have entered into a recent partnership with the Wisconsin RTI center to help us re-center this work in our district.

Our district team is made up of the following members; District T&L team, District Student Services team, Title and Interventionists, Andrea Taylor-Heyer, Brandy Hart-Whittier, Carly Solberg-Prairie, Christina Kralik-North, Caroline Gosling-Hadfield, Jenna Harer-Les Paul, Jeff Ludowissi-Horning, Lisa Lawrenz-Bethesda, Nicole Gosser-Hawthorne, Travis Gardner-South, Kelli Weiss-Golatke-Lowell.

This team has developed a Vision Statement that will help guide our priorities moving forward.
Data-based processes will ensure equitable access to universal instruction and additional levels of support to positively impact learner outcomes in academics and social-emotional development. 
We will commit to:
* Continuously building trust and collaboration between students, families, and educators
* Using valid and reliable sources of data in a well-defined process of inquiry about student outcomes and experiences
* Ensuring a system where highly trained educators utilize evidence-based resources, materials and supports
* Planning with a proactive approach, acknowledging that variability is universal and anticipated

Expect to see more updates as we build more clarity in our system around this continuous improvement process.

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