Friday, December 8, 2017

Supports and not things...

In the day and age in which we live, there is so much information available to us at the click of a button. With all of this access, it is easy for us to get lost in the sea of information and initiatives. Our goal as an organization is to meet the needs of our student sitting in front of us each and every day. High-quality instruction is the core of Teaching and Learning.

As a district, we are committed to exploring, implementing, and providing professional learning around curriculum, resources, and frameworks that support strong instruction. Personalized Learning, Instructional Technology, CLM, ELD, and AVID are just some of the vehicles that we use to provide common language and tools to support and enhance our instructional practices. These are all supports to instruction and not things that replace instruction. We need to remind ourselves that as we infuse scaffolds and frameworks we cannot forget that without strong instructional pedagogy and relational capacity, we will not meet the needs of all students.

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