Friday, December 10, 2021

Leveraging the Coherence Progression as Transformation GPS

The Coherence Progression is a tool for analyzing the current level of coherence for each component of the coherence framework. This comes from Michael Fullan's book titled: Coherence: The Right Drivers in Action for Schools, Districts, and Systems.
Your SAIL team should be using this progression to help identify your strengths and gaps as you identify your selected strategies for improvement during your next 100 day action planning cycle. What components are you celebrating? What components is your team focusing on as you move from emerging to accelerating to mastering?

This comprehensive GPS will enable you and your school to become much more effective and much more likely to become more sustainable with your area of focus. Achieving coherence in a school and a district our size takes a long time and requires constant attention. SAIL teams and all of us must do our part to coalesce our energies into the things that will garner the greatest impact for our students.

Make a difference by being a coherence maker! This will be a true gift for yourself, your colleagues, and our students.

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