Friday, January 25, 2019


Why do we have the propensity to hear the word change and our hackles go up? The most common bathroom picture I see...well at least in my own bathroom, is the quote "the only thing constant is change." So why was Heraclitus, this pioneer of wisdom, at such peace with this expression and some of us are not?

Success with a new way of doing anything in life comes with the price of self-doubt and perhaps the feelings of whether or not the change even needs to happen. What is in it for me? This is usually one of the first things we ask ourselves. Personal and professional change is experienced by everyone.
Is there a predictable pattern to the feelings and perceptions that people have as a change process unfolds? Are we aware of our own mindset when it comes to change?

I wish I had a 6 step guide to making any change a success. If you were thinking this blog was going to come up with an answer, then I have clearly failed you. What I have come to realize and accept is that change is a major player in all of our lives. It is our choice of how we respond to it, that makes or breaks the success and the emotional feelings we have attached to that change. With strong teams working together we truly can accomplish much. Trust yourself first. Trust others second. Embrace change when it has the potential to be better than the current state.


  1. There is safety in the familiar, but there is opportunity if we live in an environment that truly welcomes the wild swings of change. It takes both individual and group openness. Thumbs up!
