Thursday, December 6, 2018

Where we have come and we are we going

During this time of year, we give pause to remember and reflect on the events such as Peral Harbor as well as events happening around us today. In making a better tomorrow, we must reflect on what we have done and determine what has worked and what has failed to work the way we wanted. Making adjustments, applying new knowledge, and coming back for a second attempt demonstrates what Anglea Duckworth calls perseverance, or grit.

As we get closer to winter break, we look toward a new year with new opportunities and beginnings. We all have the ability to thinks about where we have come since the start of school and make the second half of the school year even better.  In the video below, one line jumped out; "One child, one teacher, one book, and one pen can change the world." - Malala Yousafzai

So many great stories in the Connect have been written, I look forward to all of the great stories yet to be written in the new year. Create a world of limitless opportunities for our students. #WeAreWaukesha #WeAreLimitless

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