Thursday, February 16, 2017

Personalized Learning as a Teaching and Learning Framework

Knowledge Works highlights the innovation of Flight at Horning MS.
Today's students cannot be prepared for the competitive jobs of the future if they do not actively participate in the creation of their own learning and build skills that will translate into the flexibility needed for success in the workforce. Students entering this first phase of adulthood need to be able to communicate with clarity, be creative in their approach to problem-solving, understand how to find and utilize information, and motivate themselves to engage in work that will lead them to thrive in an employment landscape that is constantly shifting.

We celebrate schools and classrooms across our system that have initiated fundamental shifts in teaching and learning by personalizing instruction for each student. This requires a shift in student and teacher roles. Teachers must facilitate the transition to student ownership through projects and activities that help learners understand and assess metacognitive skills, standards, and learning targets. Teachers also guide learners to the appropriate resources and continually monitor and respond to students' data.

Every week I see collaborative, innovative environments that put learners at the center.
Thank you for making this a priority.  #KnowThyImpact

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