PCL is Partnership in Comprehensive Literacy Model or CLM.
I had an invigorating day of learning a few weeks ago when our partner school districts got together to collaborate around our implementation of Literacy for students K-8.
I was reminded of the 10 features of the PCL Model that maybe some of you are not familiar with. The PCL model is theorized as 10 individual features that are integrated to give solidarity to the whole design; thus, real change occurs through system wide coordination and shared knowledge.

Feature 2: Coaching and Mentoring- Uses coaching cycles and a gradual release model for increasing teacher efficacy.
Feature 3: Model Classrooms- Provide classrooms where mentor teachers implement the literacy framework and peer teachers can observe the teaching and learning in real time.
Feature 4: High Standards- Benchmark goals for all students.
Feature 5: Accountability- Includes a school wide system with multiple measures for evaluating progress including formative and summative assessments, and ESAIL walkthroughs.
Feature 6: System Interventions- Layered approach. The first wave is K-3 including Reading Recovery and small group interventions. The second wave is 4-12 including classroom interventions and supplemental group interventions.
Feature 7: Professional Learning Communities- Are embedded into the school climate.
Feature 8: Literacy Plan- Short and long term goals with specific benchmarks for progress monitoring.
Feature 9: Technology- Naturally embedded into teaching and learning contexts.
Feature 10: Spotlighting- Techniques for collaborating including school visits, PCL network meetings, and other advocacy ideas.
In order to truly transform schools, entire systems and student achievement...individuals MUST develop a view beyond their own performance. Unless every teacher is an excellent teacher, the school is not excellent...yet! As Vince Lombardi once said, "The challenge for every organization is to build a feeling of oneness, of dependence on one another..because the question is usually not how well each person works, but how well they work TOGETHER."
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