As the first month of school is quickly approaching, it is also a great time to begin narrowing down the focus of your Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) aligned with your school's theory of action. This is just a reminder of how important and meaningful, strategic SLOs are with the work you do to help students achieve at their highest levels.
Key Points of the SLO
* SLOs are one of two goals within the Educator Effectiveness Plan
* SLOs are teacher driven
* Teachers should have ownership over their plans and goals
* Goals are relevant to a teacher's subject, students and their individual needs
* SLOs should be aligned with the principal's, school's, and/ or district's goals
* The POWER of the SLO comes from data analysis
* SLOs inform specific change in instructional practice
* Effective SLO development allows for deep and collaborative learning
* The SLO process creates trust and coherence
* Feedback from administrators for continuous improvement
Destroying the SLO Myths
The SLO requires
the teacher to
identify a population
of students for
focused improvement. Identifying a
grade level or
subgroup for an
SLO does not mean
that a teacher
‘cares less’ about
some students or
groups of students
than others. The
teacher purposefully identifies the
population after a
thorough consideration of past
student learning
data. It goes without
saying that the
teacher will think
about and be
concerned about
the academic
achievement of all
students in his or
her care!
For more information regarding the Educator Effectiveness Plan, please visit the link below.
WI EE System User Guide for Teachers
Let's go be great!
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