I wanted to share with you our Teaching and Learning "Big Rocks" this school year.
1. Ensure a guaranteed and viable curriculum
2. Ensure high levels of instructional practices across our system
3. Ensure fidelity to feedback for students through grading and reporting
In order to accomplish these goals, we are focusing our weekly meeting time in a format that is primed to help us be successful.
Every 1st Thursday, we will be securing accountability through learning walks in our elementary and middle schools, focusing specifically on CLM in grades 3, 6, 7 and 8.
Every 2nd Thursday, we will debrief on our data collected around adult learning practices.
Every 3rd Thursday, we will focus on guaranteed and viable curriculum. This year's focus will be in the areas of high school Mathematics and 4K-12 Social Studies.
Every 4th Thursday, we will dig into data, assessment and reporting with Amy Riebel as we track progress to achieve results.
These are our "always behaviors" that the Teaching and Learning Team are committed to.
We look forward to helping each of you build coherence in your classrooms and your schools as we all work on getting better at getting better!
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