Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Shifting the Conversation to Learning

Temperature checks, masks, seating charts, who is out, who is covering, COVID....these are all typical daily conversations and planning that understandably have to happen while teaching and leading during a pandemic. The definition of school as provided by Webster states; an organization that provides instruction and the process of teaching and learning especially at a school. And so while I can think of a million reasons why each of you reading this feels worn down, my hope is that you can rely on the core function of school and find energy and passion in daily conversations and planning with others around teaching and learning. Collaboration and sharing in our district is at an all time high. I can see it, hear it, feel it. 

Thank you for holding to our shared beliefs about effective instructional approaches. 

Thank you for keeping your SAIL goals at the forefront of your work.

Thank you for ensuring high levels of rigor and success for ALL students.

Thank you for making formative assessment an effective assessment strategy.

Thank you for monitoring and tracking our most at risk students.

Thank you for giving daily feedback to your students and parents.

You are appreciated!

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