Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Equitable Multi-Level Systems of Support- District Team Update

I published this on June 9 but we only had 175 readers, so with an EMLSS meeting this week to re-familiarize everyone with our progress, we thought it would be worth communicating around this important work heading into year two with the Wisconsin RTI (Response to Intervention) Center.
We have an urgency around the following student outcome priority statement:

There are universal achievement concerns in the area of literacy at the elementary and middle school. This is evidenced by the Forward and MAP scores that show performance is stagnant at the elementary with a drop in proficiency at the middle school level.
In addition, teacher practice, as measured by our ESAIL literacy indicators, has not demonstrated the upward trend in meeting and impacting that was expected. Without deliberate improvement in instructional practice resulting in student impact, universal student performance in literacy will remain stagnant.

Our top three root causes were that led us to commit to this action statement were: 
(1) There is inconsistent district-wide implementation; 
(2) There is not a clear system of assessment including universal screener, benchmark and common assessment; 
(3) Teachers do not have the depth of knowledge needed around grade level standards.
Our EMLSS vision states:
Data-based processes will ensure equitable access to universal instruction and additional levels of support to positively impact learner outcomes in academics and social-emotional development.
We commit to: 
* Continuously building trust and collaboration between students, families and educators
* Using valid and reliable sources of data in a well-defined process of inquiry about student outcomes and experiences
* Ensuring a system where highly-trained educators utilize evidence-based resources, materials, and supports
*Planning with a proactive approach, acknowledging that variability is universal and anticipated

Looking ahead to our October meeting, we are working on smaller goal-oriented projects that teams can work on in order to help reach our larger system goals. We know this work takes time, and we also know it is important work to impact our strong universal level by providing high quality instruction for ALL in our district!

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