Chris Hedstrom and myself are in the midst of visiting all first year staff and I am just thrilled to see the hard work happening across classrooms and schools in our district! In my second year as Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning, it feels so much better this year getting into more classrooms across our system. Last year at this time, I was helping to support 14 new Principals, but I am happy to say that our Administrators have stabilized and as we continue to support their leadership, we are also better able to integrate into classrooms to see the wonderful teacher leadership happening there as well!
SAIL teams remain focused on the clear instructional priorities set up for their schools and this consistency is helping bring coherence throughout our system. Our responsibilities as educators is huge and the only way that we can tackle the achievement gaps that persist, is through teamwork and a tight collaborative environment.

The climate of high expectations for all is a core value in the School District of Waukesha. To create equitable and excellent classrooms and schools, we need to make the commitment to this important work at the heart of all of our efforts. Every day, every week, there might be an excuse that creeps in that poses a potential barrier to our high expectations for all students. However, those who succeed at any great endeavor know that we must be the ones to stay positively focused on changing the life trajectory for each student that comes before us. When we provide caring, respectful, appreciative, high-quality instruction for our learners, they respond. Thank you for leading with equity and excellence!
One connection, one student, one conversation at a time. It is a daily challenge, and it is doable if we thinking about the small steps and keeping the focus. #HMSCoherence
ReplyDeleteTeachers were commenting how great it was for you to be in our buildings to visit new teachers. Way to make our newbies feel important and welcome!