Leadership as Learning
"Insanity Is Doing the Same Thing
Over and Over Again and Expecting Different Results"
Through No Child Left Behind, the federal government encouraged our investment in an unproven but ambitious belief that if we test children and hold educators responsible for improving test scores, we would have almost everyone scoring as “proficient” by 2014. Thus, we would achieve “equality.” This approach has not worked-it isn't working. For many of us the National Crisis of education impact on students of color and others, suggests that we might be missing something.
Here in SDW there are Leaders and Educators coming together to take a deeper look at the ways educators approach teaching and how practice directly impacts learning. Pictured above, Coordinators, Teachers and Administrators collaborate around instructional rounds-engaging in deep conversation around access to learning. These leaders are in a unique setting as they examine accessibility for students who are multilingual-and as such, these leaders are putting themselves into multilingual environments through the eyes of students and one of the predominant ways these students learn: through Oral Academic Language. Academic Language Learners are all of us; however, the invisibility of the language needs of seemingly fluent speakers has caused the potential where the expectation and supports do not lead to learning.
See the Oral Academic Language Adult Learning Continuum HERE
The commitment and collaboration to this work will create the skill and the will to LEAD for access and equity.
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