Monday, January 31, 2022

Summer Learning Loss

We have been talking about summer learning loss for years, but never have we heard learning loss discussed more than on the heels of this pandemic. As I was reading a MAP Growth Norms study, (well..skimming it!), I ran across this section that I wanted to have us all think about.

A comprehensive review of the literature concludes that students lose about one month of school-year learning during the summer (with steeper declines for math than for reading) and income-based reading gaps grew over the summer, given that middle class students tended to show improvement in reading skills while lower-income students tended to experience loss.

With a summer school opportunity ahead for all of our students, what importance are we putting on enrolling our students in summer learning opportunities? As parents, and as teachers, what is our commitment to making this a priority for our children?

1 comment:

  1. As a teacher, I am committed to resuming our SDW Summer Bookmobile! The goal is to prevent the summer slide by increasing access to books for students of all ages by giving children free books, encouraging reading, and distributing children's books in MyLittleLibraries around our Waukesha community. Want to volunteer to be part of the mission/fun? Contact
