Wednesday, October 14, 2020

EMLSS Project Teams

I was happy we met as an EMLSS Team (Equitable Multi-Level Systems of Support) this week as it is always encouraging to collaborate around things that are not pandemic related. Our team consists of close to 30 participants. The last sentence of our Theory of Action for this team states that without deliberate improvement in instructional practice resulting in student impact, universal student performance in literacy will remain stagnant. 

We are excited to have 2 project teams begin refining and defining the necessary infrastructure for evidence based practice and systems to sustain guaranteed levels of success for staff and students in our district. One team has a focus on teacher training and the other is focused on coaching. Both are integral components in order for any system to launch and institutionalize work that ensures a level of consistency and calibration among our staff. These teams are planning with the ideal state in mind first. Although our focus right now is related to Literacy, we know that once our training and coaching support is tightened up, we can take any area for example, math practices, behavior, culturally responsive teaching, etc and use the same scope and sequence to ensure a level of guaranteed access and success for our staff so that students are guaranteed this same level of expectation throughout our district. 

Thank you to all the EMLSS team members for your dedication and passion to focus on high quality levels of equitable, strong universal level instruction for ALL.

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