I wanted to announce that our state administrators organization is highlighting Banting Elementary in their SAIL promotional materials. This image and testimonials below were sent this week across Wisconsin to all AWSA and WASDA members. I am so proud of Banting's focus and we are seeing the positive trajectory on student achievement.
Following suit with tight SAIL teams and positive student impact, I also want to give special mention to Meadowbrook, Lowell, Rose Glen and Heyer Elementary. I am working closely with these Principals to see how we can replicate these intentional strategies across our system. My next challenge is to bring a tighter coherence to our secondary schools which, by sheer numbers of staff and moving parts, is always a complex beast.
I also want to recognize eAchieve Academy who had a team presenting at the AVID National Conference that I attended last week. Their session presentation was titled, "Breaking Down the Walls: AVID in the Virtual World." In this interactive session, participants discovered how a virtual secondary school created an AVID elective course and successfully implemented AVID school wide.
Lastly, going into the New Year in the spirit of celebrations, I am proud of the SAIL framework that is bringing coherence to our entire district. Our Principals and their SAIL teams have embraced the work of the coherence framework and our system is understanding the true value of bringing to action the phrase, less is more. The presentation that I gave at Learning Forward, the other conference I attended last week, gave proof that developing a focused direction for our system and providing a common framework and language for teacher clarity about the impactful work, does positively move the dial on student achievement.
A special Happy Holidays to you and yours!
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