Also, we often get asked what is the difference between New Teacher Credits, Waukesha credits, Viterbo credits, etc. All the learning we offer via TDP and Collegial Study has been vetted through the Teaching and Learning department and is aligned with Viterbo's minute requirement. We offer the rigor of a college course taught by our very own instructors at no charge. The 9 New Teacher Credits requirement is satisfied by taking TDPs and Collegial Studies. So the phrases are really synonymous; the difference is it becomes a "Viterbo credit" when a teacher chooses to pay Viterbo to place a course on a Viterbo transcript. Teachers may be able to earn a a once-in-a-lifetime additional step or lane on the salary schedule if they do pay the Viterbo credit cost for 9 credits. Please review the teacher compensation document for more information on this.
What is the difference between a TDP, a self-paced BB9 course, and a Collegial Study? At its core, TDPs are classes that meet general needs that run on a pre-determined schedule. Blackboard 9 courses (BB9) are general courses that are independent, online, and self paced. We included a collegial study option because sometimes we can't predict all needs; sometimes an idea comes from a building need or goal, and staff come together and want to learn around that need or goal. Hence, the collegial study.
In an effort to continue to personalize the learning for our adults in the system, the prior restriction that only 3 of the 9 New Teacher Credits could be obtained via Collegial Study has been removed. Both TDPs and Collegial Studies are aligned with hourly requirements, and both go through an approval process; therefore, there is no need to restrict which format a teacher uses to obtain credit. I hope this provides teachers additional flexibility in customizing their learning path.
Here is a link to our Professional Learning Guide. TDPs are listed on p. 7 and start next week!
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