Friday, March 24, 2023

Carroll University Graduate Programs in Education Opportunities - Fall 2023

The School District of Waukesha has a partnership with Carroll University which allows our employees the opportunity to conveniently continue their education with multiple graduate degree options in education at a 15% discounted rate. Please see the flyer below with more information and don't hesitate to reach out with any questions you may have. Carroll will be hosting a Grad Education Open House on April 20th - if you're interested Save the Date!

University of Wisconsin -Whitewater Onsite Master's Degree Opportunity - Fall 2023

The School District of Waukesha has a partnership with the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater which allows our employees the opportunity to conveniently earn a Master of Science in Education on site at a discounted rate. I am thrilled to announce that we are opening enrollment for our third SDW Cohort! The goal is for a minimum of 15 students to enroll to run the cohort. Please see the flyer below with more information and don't hesitate to reach out with any questions you may have. An information session will be held on May 9th at 4:15 - if you're interested Save the Date!

Thursday, March 16, 2023

What a way to kick off March Madness!

Ted Lasso Season 3 came back this week! Kyle LeMieux, our West Associate Principal/Athletic Director hosted the 11th annual West Leadership Conference with over 250 student-athletes participating in the conference named Starts with You, Ends with Us.

When I think about habits and behaviors that champions do differently I think about humility, others over self, consistency, and positive relationships, just to name a few. I hired Kyle back in 2011 as a Northstar and he has just thrived for us in his administrative role at West where hundreds of athletes year after year benefit from his servant leadership!

Like Ted Lasso, and like Kyle, I challenge all of us to lead with contagious affection and positive optimism. Starts with you, ends with us. Go 'Sha!

Friday, March 10, 2023

The Secret to Giving Great Feedback Shouldn't Be A Secret


We had CESA 1 come in today to work with our Administrators on providing actionable feedback for educator growth. We practiced growth-focused conversations as well as using critical-attribute informed feedback. One of the videos shared with us was from a Ted-Talk and includes a 4 part formula that I believe is so beneficial for all of us.

(1) The Micro-Yes

(2) Data Point

(3) Show Impact

(4) End on a Question

Remember, clear is kind! Whether it be in our professional work setting or with your family members and friends, this 4 part formula should welcome feedback as the gift it is truly meant to be!

Summer School Teachers Needed!!!

Are you looking to make some extra cash this summer? If so, then look no further! The School District of Waukesha is now hiring summer school teachers K-12. Summer school runs June 19th-July 14th, with no school on July 3rd and 4th. Competitive pay as compared to our surrounding school districts. If you are interested and would like more information please contact our summer school principals directly all listed below. 

Elementary Summer School Sites & Principal

Secondary Summer School Sites & Principal

Friday, March 3, 2023

Literacy Leadership

As we know, there is no more important goal, than making sure all students in the School District of Waukesha are proficient readers! We are excited to be partnering with the CESA 6 Literacy Center on our journey to create and implement strategic plans and decision making designed to build knowledge and systems that bolster the science and balance of early literacy instruction in our schools. This two year partnership will engage us in continuous literacy learning, help us to develop an initial district literacy implementation plan, not just in the early grades but as an entire 4K-12 system.

Waukesha teams will be joining the Early Literacy Academy that they offer as well as their Leading Literacy for Impact to improve literacy instruction and student achievement K-12. One of the academies begins in August so once I have our team membership solidified, I will let you know who that will be and I will make sure to continue to bring you updates along the way. Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me directly. 

March Madness is here! Enjoy the weekend ahead!