The School District of Waukesha strives to provide all professional staff with meaningful, engaging, and purposeful professional development opportunities that align with our district goals and priorities. This year’s Winter Institute is scheduled for Monday, January 16, 2023, and will be hosted at multiple school sites across the district. With the continued onboarding of new curriculum and resources K-12; this year’s Winter Institute will focus on content area/role-specific professional learning, curriculum development, and intentional instructional planning across our system. Therefore, we opted not to use Sched as we’ve done in the past and share the information via our Winter Institute 2023 website. The Winter Institute website is linked here. For more information on your department’s professional development plan for Winter Institute please refer to the Teacher Pathway link on the website and select the appropriate pathway that best fits your position. If you have any questions please contact the district administrator, coach or coordinator that oversees your department. Have a great day of learning, growing, and building a better SDW for 2023!