Friday, April 29, 2022

Elementary Social Studies Update

 Hello Elementary Community!

We are SOOOO excited to share our progress on Elementary Social Studies with you.  Our team has been working very (emphasis on very) hard to build a scope and sequence for each trimester and the corresponding unit lessons associated with it.

Today, I would like to update you with some answers to some questions shared with our team from you all after last months site update.  Many teachers really want to know, are we really going to have actual, real, tangible resources to use to scaffold our instruction?  It may seem almost unbelievable, but it is actually and totally true!

Students will be able to use and experience a textbook, an inquiry journal/workbook and a completely digital experience in which digital text and inquiry journal/workbook are available.  Teachers will use and experience a print Teacher's Edition, a digital teacher's edition full of videos, screen/slide presentations, interactive vocabulary activities, songs, plays and so much more!
In addition to these resources, your SDW Elementary Social Studies Team is providing you a curriculum with common lessons and assessments!  A sample of this curriculum is linked below (we picked 2nd grade-well, because it is "in the middle").
Please take a look at some of the features here and check out the sample curriculum! (And if you know someone working hard after school on this, treat them right and give a shout out (and a sticker!)!  We thank them so much!)
Screen Shot 2022-04-28 at 6.09.46 PM.pngTeacher's Edition
Screen Shot 2022-04-28 at 6.09.58 PM.pngStudent Book
Screen Shot 2022-04-28 at 6.10.09 PM.pngStudent Inquiry Journal 


Thursday, April 21, 2022

Partnerships in Comprehensive Literacy (PCL) Features 5 & 9

We are excited to continue sharing a quick overview of the 10 features of the PCL model and how the features are utilized across our district. This post highlights features 5 and 9. 

Feature #5 Well-Designed Literacy Plan 

Impact of Feature: By developing a plan for continuous literacy improvement, with short and long-term goals, as well as benchmarks for progress monitoring, a school can ensure that all stakeholders are focused on the same goal. Your literacy SAIL goal and plan can be a well-designed literacy plan.

The K-1 team at Prairie analyzes running records together, as part of their building SAIL goal and literacy plan around small group instruction.

Secondary principals and coaches debriefing with lead teachers on classroom observations which center on our gradual release of responsibility instructional framework. These debriefs are critical in validating and empowering all of us as learners.

“Developing each teacher’s expertise is crucially important for the success of students and thus, the success of the system. There is a cumulative effect of being taught in successive years by expert teachers.” -Changing Minds, Changing Schools, Changing Systems pg 8

Feature # 9 High Standards 

Impact of Feature: Helping every child learn to read, write, and think is a moral imperative.  When teachers know the rigor of their grade level standards, provide explicit instruction at that level, and tailor support for students who need assistance in achieving the standards, we ensure access to grade level standards for all students. 

3rd grade teachers from across the district collaborate to deepen their understanding of the 2020 WI Reading Standards.

High school English-Language Arts team deconstructing the 2020 WI Overarching Statements, along with connecting them to the WIDA Guiding Principles.

“Every student should have access to grade-appropriate assignments, strong instruction, deep engagement, and teachers with high expectations, every day, in every class—regardless of their race, ethnicity, or any other part of their identity.” - The Opportunity Myth pg. 6

Friday, April 15, 2022

DreamBox Mathematicians of the Month

Each month all buildings who have classrooms averaging at least 5 lessons each week are entered into the random drawing to be recognized. The DreamBox Mathematicians of the month are from Rose Glen. All of the classrooms Kindergarten through third grade are averaging at least five lessons per week which is terrific! Congratulations for all of the hard work in math and in DreamBox! 

Here are pictures of all of the excited students! 


Friday, April 8, 2022

2022-23 Professional Development Calendar

As the 2021-2022 school year is coming to an end; planning for the 2022-2023 school year is in full swing! The School District of Waukesha values professional learning and we offer professional development that aligns with the district's vision for teaching and learning and with student needs. Linked below you will find the 2022-23 Professional Development Calendar. Your principals will also be sharing this information via building communication mediums. The 2022-23 SDW Professional Learning Guide will be published and shared online via the SDW webpage very soon, stay tuned! 

In Partnership,

Tiara Rogers

Director of Equity and Educator Development 

2022-23 PD Calendar