The School District of Waukesha strives to provide all professional staff with meaningful, engaging, and purposeful professional development opportunities that align to our district goals and priorities. An annual professional development event hosted by the district is the Waukesha One Conference which has evolved into the Winter Institute. This year’s Winter Institute is scheduled for Monday, January 17, 2022. The design of the Winter Institute has shifted to allow time to focus on content area/role-specific professional learning, curriculum development, and intentional instructional planning across our system.
The Winter Institute will be hosted at two school sites which is a change from years past. The host sites are Waukesha North High School for all secondary teachers (6-12) and Waukesha West High School for all elementary teachers (K-5), special education teachers (K-12) and student services staff. A detailed schedule for the day will be available in early January as well as the SCHED for registering for your assigned sessions.
Another significant shift for this year’s Winter Institute is the professional learning will only be half of the day and the other half will be instructional planning and staff work time. There are a few exceptions for some professional staff that are engaging in curriculum writing and/or other pre-planned role-specific training such as the NVCI training. The sessions will run 8-11:30 and 12:30-4:00 with a one hour lunch break in between. There will be space available for work time at the host sites or staff can work in their own school buildings. Professional staff are not allowed to work from home on this day.
Please keep an eye out for an email the week following winter break with additional event details and registration information. Have a relaxing and wonderful winter break! Thank you for all that you do to make a difference in the lives of the students you serve each and every day!