2020-21 District Equity Leadership Team
Friday, November 20, 2020
The 2020-21 District Equity Leadership Team
Thursday, November 12, 2020
EMLSS Update
Theory of Action: Without deliberate improvement in instructional practice resulting in student impact, universal student performance in literacy will remain stagnant.
Scope of Work: 1) District coaching structure developed or revised as needed and used.
2) Coaching service delivery plan developed or revised as needed.
The Coaching Team brainstormed a list of internal and external stakeholders to communicate with throughout the process and began to research coaching practice profiles in order to develop a vision for coaching and to operationalize coaching.
The Training Team reviewed their scope of work and spent a significant amount of time identifying both internal and external stakeholders who the team will communicate with throughout the process. Next, the team will be brainstorming available and needed resources in order to effectively do the work.