And as we take pause and reflect on our teaching and learning from our homes over the past few weeks, I am so proud that we have such a solid foundation to stand on in Waukesha.
Our equitable access to learning for ALL students is strong.
Our commitment to making decisions on what is best for students is unwavering.
Our dedicated teachers and administrators have strong communication, collaborative teams, and structures that allow us to not have to overreact and change so many things, like a lot of other districts have.
This has been an example of thoughtful and intentional systems and structures that are able to withstand the ever changing and fluid situation that we have been tested with.
You display hope daily in your words, thoughts and deeds.
You are courageous in the outrageous love you show not just your own family but your school families.
May each of you take pause this weekend and allow yourself to be proud of all you have accomplished! This work we do with humans is so complex and yet there is no better profession, in a time when the world needs us more than ever, on solid rock we stand!