Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Culturally Responsive Classroom Management

As the calendar page turns and we head into 2020, there may be some areas of your classroom that you want to see managed more efficiently. Each of us is always seeking ways to optimize student engagement as this has a direct impact on student learning.  

Here are a few modules from the Wisconsin RTI center for professional learning on Culturally Responsive Classroom Management  https://www.wisconsinrticenter.org/culturally-responsive-classroom-management/

Let's support each other in creating a caring environment in which all learners feel connected, safe and supported.

Friday, December 13, 2019

The Black Student Union Hits Waukesha

On November 26, 2019, the School District of Waukesha held its first-ever Black Student Union (BSU) meeting which was hosted by Waukesha South High School.  Students, parents, principals, and assistant principals from Waukesha South, North, and West, were in attendance as they heard a powerful and encouraging message from Life Coach, Marlon Lock.  Coach Lock’s emphasis was geared toward creating a solid foundation for the district’s first-ever BSU while stressing the importance of unity and teamwork in our school district and community. 

Students and parents were engaged in team building activities to get to know their peers from other schools throughout the district and reconnect with friends from middle school.  This framework created a ton of synergy to begin something very special in the district.  Students and parents also heard from two leaders of Carroll University’s Black Student Union. They shared their personal testimonies of how they adapted to a predominantly all-white college while finding their meaning and purpose in joining their campus’s BSU.

Coach Lock left 3 key points for students and parents to remember and refer to as they begin to work together to create a district-wide Black Student Union mission statement, vision statement, and logo. 

  1. Be Intentional – Growth in any area doesn’t just happen.
  2. See the Value in yourself and add value to yourself, which will add value to others. (I AM VALUABLE)
  3. Be Consistent – Motivation will get you going, but discipline will keep you growing.

Each school will also develop its own motto, which represents who they are and what they stand for. School banners, t-shirts, hats, and sweatshirts are part of the future plans to represent SDW’s BSU, so be on the look-out to support these amazing scholars.



Monday, December 9, 2019

Discounted Master's Degree in Waukesha and Other College Partnerships

Discounted Master's Degree in Waukesha and Other College Partnerships

Hello SDW team!

We have some great opportunities in Waukesha.  We will again partner with UW-Whitewater to run a discounted Master’s program in Waukesha, usually in the Lindholm building.  Please fill in the
interest survey.  Bonus: if we get enough to run a cohort (15), these courses count towards your 9 new teacher credits! 

MSOE is offering an MBA in Educational Leadership opportunity.  This 16- month cohort will build business best practices and the values of integrity vital to lead education outcomes today.  Please fill in the interest survey.
Lastly, Waukesha’s own Carroll University offers a variety of convenient and flexible graduate programs. From graduate degrees, certificates, licensures, and professional development opportunities, Carroll offers numerous pathways to further your learning.

Carroll University Graduate Programs in Education feature:
-Master of Education degrees, certificates, licensures, professional development programs - Master of Science degree in Educational Leadership, offering licensure as a Principal,
Director of Instruction, and Director of Special Education and Pupil Services
-Master of Arts in Teaching for initial licensure in General Education and
Cross-Categorical Special Education
-Accelerated programs
-Hybrid and weekend models
-Flexible, buildable alternatives to traditional master degree programs
-Supportive cohort models

Carroll is also offering a four course program for currently licensed educators to get a Cross Categorical Special Education License!

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Carroll University Discounted Tuition

Waukesha School District Employees,

Are you looking to sharpen your professional skills and advance your career as an educator? Carroll University offers multiple options for teaching professionals seeking post-graduate course work in varying disciplines, including master degrees, and certificates and licenses ​programs. 

Now Enrolling! You may even be eligible for discounts on tuition through our school district!

Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction offering flexible certificate and licensure options that can be applied to a M.Ed. degree
            •Flexible, hybrid weekend model
            •Choice in preferred area of expertise through a two-certificate model
•Advanced Studies in Personalized Learning Certificate and Teacher Leader Certificate   
   options unique to Carroll

Master of Science in Educational Leadership preparing exemplary educators to be effective administrators in PK-12 schools.
            •Hybrid model with engaging, interactive classes one weekend per month
            •Offers both ​Principal and ​Director of ​Instruction
•Capability to add ​Director of ​Special ​Education and ​Pupil Services
•Authentic practicum experiences with area leaders
Certificates and Additional Licensure allowing you to build upon your credentials without the full commitment to a master degree program.

Whether you're planning to commit to a full master's program, or simply want to gain an edge, Carroll University has course offerings for you! 

Learn more at https://www.carrollu.edu/academics/arts-sciences/graduate-programs-in-education or contact Carroll University Graduate Admission Counselor Kyle Jones at kjones@carrollu.edu.


Kyle Jones
Assistant Director of Graduate Admission/Associate Head Men’s Basketball Coach
Carroll University
Mail100 N. East Avenue, Waukesha WI 53186
Office: (262)524-7225

Friday, December 6, 2019

The Optimism of Uncertainty

The sensitive events on Monday have caused us all to take pause and come together for one another more than ever as a Waukesha family. The conversations with staff this week when we ask one another how are you...has caused us all to lean in more and listen with our hearts.
The hugs have lasted just a little bit longer.

As we face each new day with compassion, courage and kindness I encourage all of us to care for one another every day with a purpose and energy like we have this week. We owe it to our students and each other as one Waukesha family.

From The Onward Workbook: Daily Activities to Cultivate Your Emotional Resilience and Thrive by Elena Aguilar, Howard Zinn writes, "An optimist isn't necessarily a blithe, slightly sappy whistler in the dark of our time. To be hopeful in bad times is not just foolishly romantic. It is based on the fact that human history is a history not only of cruelty, but also of compassion, sacrifice, courage, kindness. What we choose to emphasize in this complex history will determine our lives. If we see only the worst, it destroys our capacity to do something. If we remember those times and places- and there are so many- where people behaved magnificently, this gives us energy to act, and at least the possibility of sending this spinning top of a world in a different direction." 

Friday, November 22, 2019

Equity Work

As the School District of Waukesha continues on our journey to build capacity in all educators to become more culturally aware and sensitive to the growing population of diverse learners we serve, I wanted to give you an update on some highlights from our first 100 days.


Please visit the SDW Website as you toggle down from the Welcome tab, you will see our new Equity page.

We are also proud to highlight two new student groups, one at the middle school level and the other at the high school level. Brothers of Purpose, is currently focused on our 8th grade African American Males. This is our first cohort of student leaders who are working on goal setting, journaling, and dreaming big! Currently, we have 7 students involved at Butler, 4 at Les Paul and 5 at Horning.

We are also celebrating our first year of having a Black Student Union! Student leaders from each of our high schools are coming together to establish a common language, voice and structures as they work to create a positive, safe and welcoming learning environment for all. This will be open to everyone, not just black students as we work to increase the college, career and community readiness of all Waukesha students. Currently, we have 20 student leaders at South, 13 at North and 10 at West.

Equity in education is the foundation of our district along with partnering with families and community stakeholders to meet the academic and social-emotional needs of all students.
Thank you for growing your own equitable classroom practices in order to positively build upon this important work.

Friday, November 8, 2019

ACCESS 2.0 Preparation


The Access 2.0 Testing Window opens December 2, 2019-January 31, 2020.  The Access 2.0 Compliance Document will support our schools in preparation of:
  • the spaces for assessment
  • accommodations for students with IEPs
  • scheduling
  • technology resources (headphones, chrome books)
  • Kindergarten 1:1 Assessment
  • preparing multilingual students and the school climate around the purpose of the ACCESS assessment in measuring their Bilingualism and Biliteracy (* these scores are used in part to help students meet Criteria for the State Seal of Biliteracy)

Demetri Beekman

Demetri Beekman is our Director of Equity and Educator Development and as a colleague, friend, and ally, I want to remind you all that he will frequently be visiting schools and classrooms across our district.  Demetri, along with myself and others make a point to visit with students, observe teaching and learning in classrooms, as we support teachers and principals.

Please continue what you are doing and please be welcoming to all that might be visiting your schools and classrooms.

This video link on microaggressions is from 2010 but it is a short, reflective clip nonetheless. The definition of microaggression is a comment or action that subtly and often unconsciously or unintentionally expresses a prejudiced attitude toward a member of a marginalized group (such as a racial minority).

The goal of this blog is two-fold. One, to reintroduce you to Mr. Beekman and second, to empower you to understand that words matter.
Words matter.
Words are a container of power...so how are you using yours?

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Waukesha Public Library Staff and Community Resources


  • All SDW teachers, including those who live outside Waukesha County,  can register for cards at Waukesha Public Library.  Just stop in at our Special Services Desk with your School District ID. 

  • Waukesha Public Library is a great resource for materials to supplement your classroom and curricular collections.  Looking for books on a specific topic? Give us a call at (262) 524-3692, or email our Children’s Reference Desk at kidsref@waukesha-wi.gov, and we can pull books and have them ready for you the next day.  

  • Most materials that aren’t being held for other library users can be renewed up to three times, which allows teachers to keep materials for up to twelve weeks.

  • Teachers can also place holds on materials from Waukesha Public Library and the other 23 libraries in the Bridges Library System.  Log on to your library account, search for materials, and place them on hold.  You’ll be notified when items are ready, and can simply pick them up for checkout on the holds shelf at the library. Need multiple copies of a title? Call the Children’s Reference Desk, and we’ll place a hold for you.

  • In addition to our large collection of children’s, young adult, and adult books and AV material, Waukesha Public Library’s databases are a great resource for student research. Several databases, such as teachingbooks.net and NoveList K-8, are useful for teachers seeking resources as well.

  • Gale Courses offers free, instructor-led courses for individuals with library cards. Courses offered include computer applications, foreign languages, and test preparation.

  • Overdrive gives library cardholders access to thousands of children’s, young adult, and adult ebooks and audiobooks through a statewide consortium.  Students and teachers can download the Libby app to make browsing and checkout even easier.

  • Beginning September 3, the library is no longer charging overdue fees for children’s department materials (all items on the second floor). The policy will apply to both children’s and adult library cards, including teacher cards. Library users will still be billed for lost or damaged materials.

  • Waukesha Public Library can help connect students who don’t have access to WiFi outside of school.  Library cardholders may use internet computers in the children’s, young adult, and adult reference areas of the library. Printing is also available.

  • WPL’s comprehensive collection includes Spanish, bilingual, and hi/low fiction and non-fiction books for readers at all grade levels.  Contact us if you have a specific need.


  • Waukesha Public Library offers a wide variety of programming for children and teens, from technology and art programs to book discussions.  Check out our calendar, and feel free to share it with your students!

  • Interested in scheduling a library orientation or special storytime, or having your students get library cards?  Contact Community Library Liaison Michele Gagner at (262) 524-3692, or mgagner@waukesha.k12.wi.us.