I wish everyone a wonderful start to the school year. As teachers, we are lucky that we get a fresh start every year. Students, too, get a fresh start. We are all beginning with best intentions:
🌱"This year, I am not going to get written up for my behavior."
📓"This year, I am going to be proficient or advanced in all my classes."
👥"This year, I am going to include purposeful collaboration strategies daily so my students can deepen their thinking."
As we plan with the best intentions, remember Patrick Briggs' message: the achievement gap is actually created by the opportunity and expectation gap. How will you build relationships with your learners? How will you have high expectations for all learners? How will you provide opportunities to all learners so they can meet your expectations, even if they need more than others? How will you make sure all dollar bills can get in to Coke Machine University?