The responsibility to change and save lives is what falls upon each of you when you wake up every morning. Yes; we have the most important job and purpose in life as educators for our youth. Thanks to each of you for your tireless positivity and dedication to the School District of Waukesha! Our common goal to increase college, career and community readiness for each student in our system, binds us together as a powerful learning community.
May you enjoy a different pace starting today and really reflect on how you can truly own your inner tortoise as Todd suggests.
Next week Tuesday and Wednesday, we have about 250 educators taking part in our SAIL (Student Advancement In Learning) days and I am just thrilled about this increased participation level as we continue to focus on coherence in our system.
As I finish my second year as Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning, I am constantly reminded that a title does not make you a leader and that each of us has a sphere of influence upon which we should make each day better than the way we found it. May each of your days ahead be filled with a mojo that makes even Bruno Mars say, "don't believe me just watch!"