What is the Seal of Biliteracy?
How will seniors in Waukesha Earn this Honor?
Learners are honored for their Global Competency. Global Competency is defined as the ability to Recognize Perspectives, Communicate Ideas in two or more languages, Investigate the World and Take Action.
Seniors must demonstrate Biliteracy through proficiency in English on the ACT or Access Test for English Learners, and proficiency in their partner language measured by the AAPPL test scheduled February 23 and 24 at each high school.
In addition to demonstrating linguistic skill, seniors also need to demonstrate that they can Recognize Perspectives. Seniors will do this by submitting two essays, one in English and the other in their partner language, on specific topics related to multilingualism in their lives, their future and society at large.
Seniors will also demonstrate their ability to Communicate Ideas and Take Action through a Service Project. The Service Project will require seniors to take action in a multilingual environment to improve local or global conditions for people and communities. While in 2017, there will be no specific requirement for hours that must be fulfilled, in place learners must demonstrate that criteria has been met through their project in the time it takes them to fulfill the project goal.
Seniors will submit a portfolio of evidence that demonstrates these three capacities and achievements by May 1st. Announcements of students who qualify will occur around May 15. Qualifying students with a guest will attend a recognition dinner on June 6th.
What exactly will be awarded?
Seniors who earn the award will dress with their Seal of Biliteracy Medal of Honor (think Olympic Medal) and graduation cord. On Graduation day these honorees will receive an embossed diploma with the Seal of Biliteracy Seal. Official Transcripts will reflect the award and be a form of public communication of achievement to colleges and employers throughout the seniors lifetime.
How can I learn more?
A Web EX is scheduled on Friday February 10 for administrators to learn more and ask questions. Updated timelines will be shared during this WEB EX.
A parent information session is planned on Saturday February 11 at 10:30 in English and 11:30 in Spanish.
Student Information Sessions are Planned for Monday February 13th during homeroom (between 9:24 and 10:10) at each high school.
D Garcia will be facilitating at South, Angela Jurish at West and Maria Barreras at North High School.