To all of my first-grade teaching friends in the district, if you aren't currently writing a book I strongly encourage you to do so, as it will help with money towards early retirement. What a hoot!
I was so nervous about meeting with these little learners! You can put me into a high school classroom with the older students, but how was I going to talk to six and seven-year-olds about problem-solving and what the job of an Assistant Superintendent is? Of course, some of you may be wondering the same thing. I thought a good starting point would be "I am the Principal of all the Principals." But there were many more questions that I wasn't ready for like, "What is the shape of an iPad?" "I think it is a triangle," one young learner said. Another said, "My Uncle lives in Florida, and he has an iPad shaped like a circle." Who knew? After telling them, we had over 13, 000 students in the district, one of the students asked, "How many people are there in the whole United States?"

Thank you to each and every teacher across our system who jumps out of bed every day because they are driven by a commitment to make a positive impact on the lives of our learners!