SAIL stands for School Administrators Institute for

The SAIL process is a statewide school and district improvement framework designed to provide a systemic approach to transform our achievement outcomes. This program has been developed as a collaborative effort between WASDA, AWSA, DPI and UW-Madison.
The SAIL Process includes:
- Each school team will move through a common process leading to a customized local solution.
- Pre-Assessment – Each site Principal will complete a survey to identify trends in student learning data to help identify your current state of performance and SAIL team members will provide key input for finding a local focus.
- Finding Focus – Teams will work through research findings and models in the field to identify the “vital few” practices that schools will invest in to transform the system and its results for students.
- Aligning Initiatives into High Leverage Practices – Teams will learn how to prioritize, organize, and connect the district’s key improvement work so that what otherwise might be viewed as isolated initiatives is intentionally linked in powerful, coherent, and synergistic ways.
- Strategic Implementation and Progress Monitoring – School teams will be given tools to avoid the breakdown that research shows typically occurs between the planning and action stages by developing short- and long-term 100-day implementation plans, with clear tasks of responsibility and transparent means of monitoring milestones of progress and celebrating success.
- Ongoing Support, Data Review, and Coaching – The SAIL district team will provide two years of instruction and facilitation, leveraging various levels of support through a process of gradual release. Support will take the form of ongoing student achievement and leadership practice, data analysis, coaching, and school networking.