Thursday, February 11, 2016

Personalized Learning Elements

What is this honeycomb I keep hearing about from The Institute for Personalized Learning?
Here is the website link: and the Twitter handle: @Institute4PL.

As we strive for a cohesive system that will allow each learner to be met at his/her personal learning level each day, we need to look at how the learning and teaching elements below help guide our work. How are we becoming more learner centered and future focused in how we think, make decisions, and act? Everything we do must have a purpose and relate directly to the future of each individual learner. Cultivating customized learning paths forces all of us to be intentional about creating self-directed, life-long learners.

The School District of Waukesha and every organization is perfectly designed to get the results we are getting.
What is your commitment to these learner-centered practices?
How are you aligning your classroom practices and strategies with these personalized learning elements?

I encourage you to invest in your learners voice so they see purpose and value in their learning. We all know that if we are to change the current outcomes of our system, we must find better ways for learners to engage in and find meaning as they progress toward deeper learning. Involve them in this process.

Let yourself be reminded of our moral obligation and that is to provide learner-focused schools and classrooms for each and every learner!